About this Blog

Men sow on earth what they will reap in the spiritual life: the fruits of his courage or his weakness.
Man is thus the constant arbiter of his own fortune. It can relieve his torment or prolong it indefinitely. His happiness or his misery depend on his willingness to do good. Allan Kardec

The long history of mankind is a succession of events that recur periodically, it increasingly intense, in order to awaken the communities for the purpose prescribed by the Creator. Today, two thousand years after the unforgettable Christian lessons, confirms the promise of Christ in reports to the materialization of a comforter on earth.


My goal is not hook” and bring new followers to spiritism, but bring answers to daily questions of life, especially in the transition period in which we are passing on planet Earth.

We only reap what we sow ourselves on several reincarnations, by which we lived

The philosophy Kardec emerged on the horizon orb as heralding a period of huge moral, spiritual and scientific transformations. The kardecian philosophy is, above all, the liberation process of consciences so that the view of man reach far beyond Earth panoramic and get intelligently the necessary moral improvement, which was collapsed of fanaticism belief.

Thereby repelling the domain and belief in shameful sectarianism counterproductive the ritual, the special vestments, the medieval priestly hierarchies and criminal industrialization of the cross.

The rigorously scientific researches of William Crookes and positive responses earned Spirits by unquestionable testimony of the truth for the sake of humanity. However, despite interesting research in science (parapsychology), which undoubtedly have been consubstantiated in a mainstay for spiritualistic facts, nothing result, if not follow the lessons of Jesus, to love your neighbor as yourself.

For thousands of years is shaking opinions on Planet around God, organizing themselves around him fierce wars and persecutions.

As  Spiritual benefactors warned us, we can not live as just the intelligence, but we need love to survive all the disasters, necessary for the evolutionary process, we are involved on Earth, especially in this current process in which we are living, of so many conflicts and human indifference.


Today , March 2, is comemorated the world day of prayer, which emerged in the nineteenth century in the United States and Canada through a movement that brought together Christian women of these countries, in order to expand the missionary works. Actually, every day should we take only 1 Minute, and pray for the peace in the World.

The Books from Spirit Emmanuel, psychographed by the medium Francisco Xavier,  which I will try to translate,  deals with various themes regarding the history of humanity.

With succinct style and often hard, the themes are formed opinions on philosophy subjects, science and religion.
It should be noted that, at that time, 1938, the world was  passing a dark belligerent relapse phase, and there were strong religious intolerance in Brazil implied persecution of various kinds, with the state machine where strongly influenced by the church.


Today the pictures are changed and dense clouds are located on European soil and the Middle East Region. The reasons are others and characteristics have changed, but the artists are the same.

Ignorant brethren, let bigotry take over of reason. The culture of thousands of years have fallen to the ground. Cities like Palmyra will be only in remembrance of the elders.

God, Allah, great and merciful does not require vandalism. The kingdom of God is far above of earthly things. For this we need only raise our eyes to the sky and start counting the billions and billions of stars in the sky of His infinite, multiple universes. The Earth is nothing but a sand grain . This is all His artistic work.


On the other hand, while thousands of people are sleeping in the open field, going cold and hungry, waiting for a permit to continue their journey, those that are already on European soil are being treated with anti-Semitism by those who forgot that, not long ago their ancestors were those in Need and many of them, because of the same anti-Semitism, were forced to immigrate to unknown lands, including South America.

Many times we  forget the Universal and the most neglected Law: “What we sow is what we we will reap”.


Thank you dear readers to use of your time, reading these lines. May God bless you on your way, regardless if you have any religion and of what religion you follow.

We are all brothers, walking different paths, but with the same goal: The spiritual perfection.

Even if this perfection is often misunderstood.But as said the Master Jesus: Cast the first stone who has no sin.” Who are we to judge? First we should look into our heart

Please forgive my poor English, but the important are the messages that will be transmitted.
If in future someone be willing to correct grammatical errors, I would be immensely grateful.

I pray for the assistance of God, Jesus Christ and all Spirits enlightened, so that this work of great magnitude, through the humble hands but with love, may bring much knowledge and peace for the coming Generation.

I thank my friend Marcelo J.C. Amaro from Spiritism Portal to allow me the utilization of this and all the books contained therein.

 Have a good day.


2 thoughts on “About this Blog

  1. Hello friend, I would like to congratulate you for this Initiative, may God guide your steps in this life and bless you in bringing knowledge by the spiritism light. It’s the first time I see the doctrine content in English and this makes me very happy since it will be more accessible worldwide (like Chico Xavier’s books, and other informations that weren’t previously available in other languages)

    Greets from Brazil!

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