Policy and Environment: Integration with Nature – the option for Light

Perhaps the planet Earth will suffer a lot from the lack of oxygenation, in which the vegetable kingdom processes and realizes.
Take care of the vegetable kingdom. Please, he’s asking for help.
The woods are crying out for help.
The plantations are calling for help.
Nowadays you only plant if you give money and, if you do not give it, you do not plant it.
But this is not the smart way.

Many diseases, which are occurring on this planet, are the result of the estrangement of the man from Mother Nature.
It is certain that man has to work, it is certain that man has to support himself, but it is not difficult also to think a little of the other Realms and to have them in the house, to cultivate them, for that is a food, of Which he needs for himself.

It is true that people need the so-called money to live here on Earth, but it is also not correct for people to explore a little more than what they should charge for the vegetable kingdom when that is not what is happening or what we have Seen in these horts that are out there are a change of flowers enriching the pocket of many people, who goes to the woods, plucking these plants and depositing them in pots and,
Perhaps by selling them to people who are careful or not …
Many materialistic people regard vegetables as objects rather than evolving creatures and want to turn them into a mere source of profits.
The mercantilist mentality is one of the worst realities of the moment of the Earth, in which everything is given a price in money.
Oxossi, King of woods


Most of the souls of the terraqueous inhabitants do not originate from this orb. Earth is nothing more than a school for spiritual enhancement or a prison. Theodora

Book: Interplanetary exchange for nature appreciation

Author: Brotherhood of Anonymous, Luiz Guilherme Marques (Medium)

The Earth psychosphere is imbued with high qualifications negative energy, because their present inhabitants have lived in their vast majority, especially Westerners, due to the “eat, sleep, play.”
On the face of it, beings from higher worlds must be present here, interfering in various ways to avoid ecological disasters, collective and individual misfortunes and seeking to raise the level of mental frequency of the said psychosphere without interfering with the free will of creatures And human collectivities, who are responsible before the Divine Justice for their life choices.

There has always been interchange between the beings of planets that have some affinity, because this is part of the Divine Law as Solidarity.
In several crucial moments of the humanity of the Earth were made present beings of other more evolved planets, being this fact registered even by the presence of spaceships that were known like flying saucers.
No one should be surprised at this fact, because the Universe is one and all beings are citizens of the Universe and do not belong to one planet to the detriment of others.

We are living in a world as we live in a city, but no one, no Spirit, is bound to this world, unless Divine Justice so determines.
We should become accustomed to the reality of interplanetary exchange as we are familiar with the notion of exchange between cities and countries.

We must try to tune our thinking to Spirits of more evolved worlds, such as Venus, Mars and Saturn, just to refer to the worlds of the Solar System, asking them to perfect our brains, referring to the incarnates, in such a way that we vibrate in a The highest level of understanding of the Divine Law, which governs the Universe, including the moral aspects, so that we are not repeating the same mistakes that we have been making for millennia and that have retarded us in relation to what we might have accomplished in terms of inner progress.
The Earth is currently experiencing the fever of Technology, distracted by the Darkness, believing that Nature is of no importance at all, and the only thing that matters is the artifacts that generate comfort and, in the long way, illnesses, depression, addictions and suicide.

Let us not be struck by the talk of the inventive scientists and arrogant politicians, but we must value the lower Realms of Nature, where the key to true Cosmic Science is found, for these beings are thriving lives, without which human life On Earth would be impossible.
Without the psychic energy of minerals, plants and animals, it would be impossible for humans to survive.

We do not refer to the visible part of those beings of the lower Realms, for they are bodies that these rudimentary Spirits temporarily cover in the line of their reincarnations, but we want to call attention to their reality as Spirits, something that most of Earth’s humans try to ignore.
The extraterrestrial spirits try to value the Nature of the Earth and not bring Technology focused on the valorization of materialism, the degradation of Nature, the contempt for the beings of the lower Realms.
Let us understand what they want to tell us, and let us not compare the image of these evolved beings with our portrayal of selfish and negative men and women.

For them, it is important to reforest the Amazon, the recovery of rivers, the presence of trees along roads and avenues, the end of hunting for animals, conservation of mineral resources, etc. etc.
They care about the existence of cities like New York and Sao Paulo, which represent attacks on the health and psychological soundness of humans.

Let us not celebrate the construction of skyscrapers as victories of Science, but let us lament these constructions as failures of the human being, for his lack of effort to disrespect Nature.
Every dwelling should be in the form of a house, where there is a garden, where plants grow, and not apartment buildings, where many rules of nature are disrespected.

The Spirits who are assisting the humans of the Earth are concerned, above all, with the detachment of the Terrans from close contact with the subhumans.
Many of them are incarnated on Earth, trying to influence the various sectors of Science, Philosophy, Religion and Art, but each of us needs to understand their messages, which, in most cases, fall into the void, because the mass Is dominated by falsely scientific stereotypes and the Mercenary Media, which suggests negative patterns in exchange for money from corrupt or unsuspecting entrepreneurs.

Let us look at the devastation of nature by observing, for example, dangerous climate changes, which will eventually lead to the sinking of Europe and other parts of the globe, with the stripping of the north pole, where a civilization truly conscious of respect for Nature will flourish.
All of this would happen without further trauma if it were not for the bad faith of some leaders and the intellectual blindness of the people at large, which is easily manipulated by the mass media, especially television and the internet.
In this study we intend to talk a little about the contribution of extraterrestrials in the current conjuncture of the Earth.

The idea that most spiritualists have of the higher planets is that there live human creatures turned to the Brotherhood, but these people can not identify what we are going to say next, that is, they are human creatures highly intertwined with Nature.
Combining well with other human creatures is only a detail of the Universal Brotherhood’s ideals, for the subhumans have to be considered as members of the Great Universal Family.

Without this understanding there is no human being evolved, because God does not allow the subhumans, that is, minerals, plants, and animals, to be excluded from the category of brothers.
This notion may cause strangeness to most Westerners who have upset the beings of the lower Realms and have promoted a veritable devastation of Nature.
As long as Earth’s humanity thinks of subhumans as disposable, Earth will not enter the world category of regeneration.

On the higher planets this fraternal way of thinking has already been in force for many millennia, and this is perhaps the main difference between those humanities and the Earth.
Valuing their equals is a question of common sense and even a self-serving mentality, but valuing the inferior, in this case the subhuman, is a matter of understanding that, for Divine Law, the item titled “we are all one” is one of Rules.

Minerals, plants, and animals are studied with much affection and treated with due respect in the higher planets, where their evolution takes place without the terrible sufferings that the humanity of Earth imposes on them.
Does anyone who devalues the lower Realms believe that, with this negative mentality, he is hampering his own spiritual evolution? For if he tries to change his mind, otherwise he will continue in the illusion that he is at an acceptable level of evolution, when in reality he is far from what he imagines.

In Europe, after the Industrial Revolution, the contempt for nature began in the nineteenth century, and this mentality spread throughout America, which was responsible for spreading it throughout the entire planet.
Fortunately, in countries like India and Japan, nature is valued on a high scale, which prevents the very unfeasibility of human life on Earth, because without subhumans human life is impossible.
Look at the gravity of the current situation, where ecological disasters are succeeding in a progressively dangerous way.
Take, for example, global warming of the planet and how much it affects human life!

In the higher planets the minerals, the plants and the animals receive the appropriate treatment to their gradual development.
On certain planets human creatures feed through the luminosity coming from the corresponding sun, but not from the lives of the subhumans.
Let us walk towards this, being impossible at the moment this type of feeding for the Terrans, but respect the life of the subhumans and their needs.
Let us exchange psychic energy with them, for we all need all!

In the higher planets the integration between the Realms of Nature is total, and there is no human initiative that contradicts it.
So, for example, when you think of houses, they are only one-family type, because they are the only ones, all surrounded by a lot of vegetation, with the presence of animals and minerals.
There are no polluting, unnatural elements, such as cement, hardware, glass, plastic, metalon, artificial paints, tiles, asphalt, fuels like gasoline and so on.

Technology is all about this integration and not for the production of synthetic products, as is happening on Earth today.
Some reader will conceive the idea of a Technology that works according to the products of the own Nature? But the truth is that this is so, because there is no need to invent anything, but only to observe what already exists to take advantage of this inexhaustible source of resources that the planet Earth has and that all the planets have.

The ambition of gain, selfishness, pride and vanity is what gave birth to this industrialization of artificialities, causing ecological disasters, disputes, wars, misery and a whole range of unhappiness.
On evolved planets each stone has its value, not as rubble to form the basis of a fifty-story building, but as an energetic element, which must be used in order to continue serving for millennia. Each plant has its meaning in the concert of blessings for health. Each animal is also an important element in the whole.

This way of thinking is more like the lifestyle of Native Americans, for example, than with the idealization of futurists, who believe the world must be commanded through computers and remote controls.
See the difference between what we are saying and the idealizations of materialists and artificialists.
As long as there is no appreciation of the lower Realms of Nature, seeing reincarnated creatures in stages of evolution as respectable as the human, no one will be able to improve his own life and that of humanity, avoiding, for example, global warming, which will decimate collectivities Until the eyes will be open to the Truth.
Let us imagine any of these worlds and we will see the striking resemblance between them, caused by this single fact: the realization of the “we are all one” ideal.

Terran artists are traditionally identified as people who oppose the patterns of nature, trying to recreate it, usually aiming to record their name in history.
There is a lot of vanity in this position, besides mentioning the cases of pure mercenarism, which, let’s face it, characterizes a great number of artists.
May pardon the frankness, but it is necessary that we fulfill our duty to speak the truth.

Science has also created true monsters in terms of inventions that alienate nature and put artificialities in its place.
Philosophy has been the cornerstone of useless reasoning, for in most cases it ignores God and Nature.
Indeed, even Religion, in the West especially, has disregarded Nature and there are many religious who sell the name of God in exchange for pockets of money.

In the higher planets these four branches of Knowledge are all directed toward God and Nature, considering it as the whole of God’s creatures.
Imagine the level that these humanities attain, once they start from true premises!

Riding on this path for millennia, all cultural achievements are of immense beauty and depth, unlike the idiosyncrasies that swarm the Earth.
Here we see aberrant cultural manifestations that induce emotional and spiritual imbalance, all because most of them are based on false premises, where Evil disguises itself to try to emanate the Light.

Let us retrace our ways, let us restart our march, revise our concepts and opt for God and Nature, that we will be able to change the world, from the change of our own inner world and from what is within our reach.

Someone may be surprised by the idea of a Technology adjusted to Nature, because, in the present time of the Earth, Technology precisely seeks new paths, unlike those that the natural world has been teaching “since the world is the world.”
The inventors often forget the realities that present themselves in a simple way in the life of the people considered as uneducated and try to sophisticate what could be simple, usually aimed at highlighting their own name or making a lot of money from the inventions.
It is said that the inventor of the ballpoint pen became a millionaire.

Of the most famous inventors, perhaps only Alberto Santos Dumont and George Washington Carver have claimed nothing for their inventions, but most think exactly the opposite.
With this mentality of vanity and mercenarism one cuts to the source of superior inspiration.
But what we want to emphasize in this topic is that in the higher planets every invention adapts to what already exists in Nature and does not attack it or contradict its patterns.
We see, in the present time of the Earth, an increasing number of inventions that stifle Nature, polluting it with the increasing presence of non-biodegradable products, overloading the atmosphere of pollutants, as well as the watercourses and so on.

Nature’s disapproval has transformed, especially the big cities, into true aberrations, where noise pollution, air pollution, little plant presence, almost no animal, the use of minerals only for the civil construction, through an Engineering Dehumanizing and so on.
For the purpose of our own life, let us think better of Technology as a form of integration with Nature and not as a substitute for Nature.

While the planet Earth is heading for overheating and other ecological disasters, let us try to protect ourselves, as much as possible, in a lifestyle that is as integrated as possible with Nature.
If it is not possible for a single citizen to save the world or his city, try to live integrated to Nature as he can.
Until then, many disasters will occur, as the only way of awakening to the humanity of Earth, who shifted the earth through the asphalt, the trees through the buildings, the animals by faster and more sophisticated cars, the friendly conversation by the computer and the fresh air by the smoke of industries and automobiles.

As already solved the major problems and evolve the adequacy wisdom of nature’s rules, however, be understood, as are right, the duty to assist the humanities worlds where nature is not remembered as a model, as is the case on Earth.
Thus, spirits who lived on these higher planets reincarnate, for example, on Earth, in order to awaken this humanity to the understanding that all creatures are worthy of respect, while the incarnated ones on these planets visit the Earth, in order to verify in which points They can help or counteract the negative effects detected.

Chico Xavier himself stated that there was a group of aliens that he carried around Pedro Leopoldo, and the commander came to talk to a washerwoman, asking for water and a seedling of sugar cane, which he took to study.
Unfortunately, entities such as NASA, even knowing in abundance about these visits, recorded through multiple reports, photographs, etc., are keen to deny these visits because their commitment is to maintain US military power rather than to progress Of humanity.

Anyone who has the curiosity to check testimonials from people who talk about flying saucers, especially in the 1960s, will make sure that aliens have visited Earth in order to help us, lacking only goodwill to keep declared and publicly contacting them.

When we see the increasing number of skyscrapers, we think that none of this should remain on Earth when we are living the age of regeneration.
There is nothing more unnatural to serve as housing than buildings, where on concrete and missing the green element.
Only a huge change in people’s minds will enable this change in housing standards.
We see roads lost in the distance without a tree in the back, when the ideal is the afforestation of all of them.
The same will be for the streets and avenues, the houses, the squares and so on.

Current environments are hampered by air conditioners, when they should be thought of in terms of natural ventilation.
But for that, the ambition of profit can not be the priority.
What is lacking, in short, for the humanity of the Earth today, is to dethrone the god Mammon, who has been unhappy for the entire humanity, because that, instead of the truly humanizing values, was placed the Money.

We are informed that the American Indians obtained permission from the Government of their country in 1975 to preach their Philosophy without any risk of punishment, which meant an important advance in the propagation of the valorization of Nature, since those red skins are the most advanced in this Branch of knowledge.
Jamie Sams is one of its spokesmen worldwide, which is necessary in order that the people of the Western world begin to value Nature not as a hobby or without notion that they are dealing with spirits incarnated in sub phases -humans.
In Brazil there is the conscientizadora work of the Indian Kaka Werá Jecupé, that, unfortunately, does not find in the majority of the people the echo enough to prevent great devastation of the Nature.
Marina Silva made a lot of effort when she was in the Federal Government.
The number of voices is still small, but the return to nature must be happening gradually.

What will cause this awakening, however, will be the ecological disasters, like some of the end of the year of 2013, with floods in some Brazilian cities.
The heat of the present summer is taking proportions in the domain of the unbearable, just like reaction of the Nature, which speaks by the voice of the elementals that, under the command of the Superior Spirits, are in charge of the climatic and other matters of regulation of the Nature.

The Divine Justice manifests itself not in a random but programmed way, and at the meeting of the Council of the Council of December 31, 2013 it was determined that ecological disasters happen to occur as a warning sign to cease disrespect to beings of the kingdoms mineral, Vegetable and animal.
Let us heed these warnings, for Divine Justice on earth is under the charge of the Guardian Michael, who in the name of Jesus can apply harsh sanctions, of which there is no way to escape individually or as collectivities.

The return of extinct species on Earth
Let us transcribe, below, the speech of Oxóssi, with commentary, recorded in the book “Integration with Nature – the option for Light”:
The vegetable kingdom is a very rich kingdom and is now being abandoned by the human race, that is, by men.
Why the claim that the vegetable kingdom is very “rich”? Imagine the absence of these creatures all over the planet, since they have many utilities, which is unnecessary to relate.

Here some time will happen to the plant kingdom, the same happened to the mineral kingdom: it will hide into the interior of the Earth.
Mainly Westerners, with technological and scientific development, have ignored the importance of vegetables, replacing them with products manufactured in laboratories, among others.
The results are highly harmful to human life, not to mention the beings of the other Kingdoms of Nature, since the interdependence of all creatures is total and can not be disregarded with impunity.

“Because he’s being mistreated, badly hurt.”
Then, in ancient times, here on planet Earth, gold bubbled, crystals bubbled, everything bubbled, until men began with greed, and through this greed they began to make expensive trades, and with it, the Divine Master, Governor of Earth, caused the mineral kingdom to become more and more into the earth, until man has merit to be able to make good use of the mineral kingdom.

Beings, whether animals, minerals or plants, are creatures and not disposable objects, and Jesus, who the Divine Governor of the Earth, being responsible for the evolution of all creatures on the planet, does not allow abuses against subhumans to continue , Taking protective providence, through His specialized agents for each of the Kingdoms of Nature.
The same thing happens with the vegetable kingdom, which is being, in the first place, much despised by incarnate human beings; Secondly, it is being very commercialized.
Two serious situations are occurring in relation to the plants: the despise and the commercialization.

Nowadays here on planet Earth, certain plants cost a fortune ..
There are people who are getting rich through the vegetable kingdom, which is something that Mother Earth has given us with all love, with all affection, so that we, the disincarnated and the incarnated ones, would do the work of cherishing it, So that we would all be one, we would become part of a family.
All the Realms are part of a large family, which is being totally forgotten.
So it’s amazing the little case with which many take a hacksaw and knock down a tree, the little case of people seeing a plant needing water, are not calling: if he died, he died!
The plant world is a set of living things.
We all have life. All beings have life.
Each life according to progress, with the designs of God.
So we form a universal family, and this universal family is being abandoned.

Here we speak of the Universal Family as the set of all God’s creatures and not just those of the human phase.
This understanding changes the Terran paradigm, especially the Western paradigm, of which only humans are worthy of consideration.
In the old days, people went to the woods and there they were considered sacred places.
Consider the question of respect for the plant world, which has now fallen into disuse on the part of many Westerners, who see in a plant creature a disposable object that can be decimated and replaced by an industrial product.
Many of my ancestors respected the forests: they were sacred sites, they were places where all the Realms lived together in holy Peace, in Holy Light, until, unfortunately, our little brothers who are not of the Light inculcated in the human Kingdom what we call Greed, what we call power, what we call authority.

Look how all the degradation of Nature began thousands of years ago but accelerated from the European Industrial Revolution in the nineteenth century.
So they think they have the authority to devastate regions and more regions to put cattle to make money or, if not, fire in the woods, destroying those poor animals of the animal kingdom who are there and who can not fly and die toasted.
Those are beings in advance.
You may have noticed the difference between the stone jungle and the places where the vegetable kingdom exists.
Look at the force that exists in Mother Nature and which, unfortunately, is being abandoned.
Many flowers that were planted here on planet Earth are gone and we are already taking them to other planets so that they can develop there.
Blue flowers, which have a very strong ray, are no longer seen: where are the forget-me-nots? Where are the tulips?
Where are the blue petunias? They are all already on other planets, except one or the other survives in some country where the plant kingdom is cultivated.

And so are the remedies, which are being withdrawn from planet Earth, because if we leave these little things alive, they will disappear.
Then the devas, the fairies, the goblins collect these beings and deliver us and we, with the help of our Father, forward these beings to a planet that is indicated to us.
Protecting beings from the lower Realms, in many cases, is their transplantation to other worlds, where there is greater respect for them than on Earth.
One day, with the evolution of humanity in the sense of “we are all one,” it will certainly be these creatures brought back.

Perhaps the planet Earth will suffer a lot from the lack of oxygenation, in which the vegetable kingdom processes and realizes.
Take care of the vegetable kingdom. Please, he’s asking for help.
The woods are crying out for help.
The plantations are calling for help.
Nowadays you only plant if you give money and, if you do not give it, you do not plant it.
But this is not the smart way.
It is true that people need the so-called money to live here on Earth, but it is also not correct for people to explore a little more than what they should charge for the vegetable kingdom when that is not what is happening or what we have Seen in these horts that are out there are a change of flowers enriching the pocket of many people, who goes to the woods, plucking these plants and depositing them in pots and,
Perhaps by selling them to people who are careful or not …
Many materialistic people regard vegetables as objects rather than evolving creatures and want to turn them into a mere source of profits.
The mercantilist mentality is one of the worst realities of the moment of the Earth, in which everything is given a price in money.


We need to awaken man to this marvel that is the vegetable kingdom, to what is our Mother Nature, which man has totally forgotten, that man totally ignores, that man forgets that there is within himself this vegetable kingdom, there is this That he must cultivate, because he once belonged to this
Kingdom and this Kingdom is what gives strength to many people.
Many diseases, which are occurring on this planet, are the result of the estrangement of the man from Mother Nature.
It is certain that man has to work, it is certain that man has to support himself, but it is not difficult also to think a little of the other Realms and to have them in the house, to cultivate them, for that is a food, of Which he needs for himself.
Each one must do his part in this collective work of preserving the vegetal elements in the planet, under pain of irreparable damage, what already has been happening, even with the appearance of serious diseases of the body and the soul.
That is why today I am here, in the name of which I command, by which they give me a title that I do not have, but unfortunately I am known as “king of the woods”.
I’m hardly calling the expression “king”. What I am trying to say is that I am in contact with this energy, immersed in this energy, so that the whole planet Earth does not suffer, have more oxygen, have more life, have more universal Love, knowing that we all form a whole and that you Continue to be supported by this force of which they are making so little case.


Each person is accountable to Divine Justice for what he has done for his “little brothers” and “little sisters” of the lower Realms and for what he has failed to do.
We are soldiers of Christ, we are soldiers of Mary and we must warn and protect our Mother Earth and our Mother Nature.
It is up to each one to give his contribution quota in this cause, which, as said, is not of charity, but a duty before God.
Orisha Oxossi, King of Woods
Well, when will these beings return to Earth?
Only when there is merit for it. Consider the importance of these beings to human life on Earth and how much their absence has harmed human beings, because they are plants of high healing power, whose essence the cosmic healers use in the treatment of diseases of body and soul.
Let’s think about it and do not play with Nature, judging it disposable.
One way of using the forces of nature is in the treatment of illnesses, in the aspect of spiritual healing.
We will not waste time talking about plants as food, because this is a truth that everyone knows, not to mention the herbivorous feeding of many animal species.
Without the sufficient presence of plant beings on Earth, imagine the negative consequences, but this is what is happening and the city men and women are, in general, simply crossing their arms, awaiting the governmental solutions, which never arrive, because Governments are not interested in displeasing the powerful businessmen who devastate Nature, but conserve vast rural properties for their comfort and survival.
It is time to integrate technology with natural forces, taking advantage of what already exists and not smothering the energies of the mineral, vegetable and animal beings.
We always reread the speech of Oxóssi to think of the responsibility that each one of us has in the present moment of the Earth.


What each one can do today is to begin to consider minerals, plants, and animals as they really are, that is, spirits in less evolved phases of evolutionary escalation.
By doing so, you respect their right to live and evolve.
The more they are consequences, such as the act of caring for them and others, which will be dictated by common sense and the practice of Universal Love, which must encompass all beings and not only humans.
It is natural for an Indian to understand the respect he must have for other beings, the same as saying to most Indians, but what we are talking about here is a great novelty for someone who was created with the mentality that the beings of the sub- Are disposable.
Self-awareness is the first step.
Acting in favor of Nature is the second step and everyone can do a lot, starting with your own personal environment.
No one needs to carry flags in the public squares to propagate the ideas to which we refer.
There are countless means for this campaign, the best of which is the change of one’s own lifestyle.


Many beings of other planets have manifested themselves, even using pseudonyms and even the well-known figurations as caboclos and old blacks.
They do not care about names, but about fulfilling the task of the Good.
Therefore, those who are prejudiced against this type of presentation take care of updating, under penalty of refusing the speech of those who came from far to help, but was rejected because it does not appear with a doctor’s degree.
It is alert to people who are very proud.
Mediumship must be accepted wherever it comes from, for there are no missionaries only in a religious or philosophical current, but they are scattered in all of them. Each one must be accepted for the good contribution he may make.
The great identifier of believable mediums is the experience of the virtues of humility, detachment and simplicity.
Let us extend at this point, as it is of great importance.
About Humility: When Jesus said, “No one goes to the Father but for Me” was not taking on a useless prestige, but rather clarifying who He really was and is, that is, the Sublime Governor of the Earth, To whom it is incumbent on us to move towards the intellectual-moral evolution.
To be humble does not mean to go down, but to work for the common good with no other intention than to serve. It is not a matter of showing itself large or small, but simply fulfilling its task, without making useless comparisons between evolved and primitive, for everyone can perform his task for the benefit of the whole. Jesus rejected the qualification of “Good”, saying that only the Father deserved this title, but identified himself as a teacher, since as such it was incumbent on him to teach the Truth, therefore, representing the Way, the Truth and The Life that leads the inhabitants of the earth to God, who will not reach the Father but through Him, the only medium of God for our world.
Humility characterized the Divine Shepherd of earthly souls. And in that condition he had to “place the lamp on the lamp, to give light to all that were in the house.”
The missionaries of the Good are humble, but not silent, fearful, subservient, timorous, cowardly or timid, because Love gives them the necessary authority to speak and do for the benefit of all. They do not act out of self-interest, but driven by the desire to serve everyone.
They are great because they serve everyone well and do not use bad faith on anyone. Mother Teresa of Calcutta served a lifetime for each one in particular, never seeking any personal benefit, living humbly, but being steadfast at times when the declaration of Truth was needed. It is necessary to understand humility as the virtue that makes us detached from personal interests, but courageous in the propagation of the Good and in defense of the intellectual-moral progress of others!
About detachment:
Selfishness is one of the wounds of humanity, the corresponding opposite virtue being detachment, which means the ability to renounce everything that is not really essential, not restricted to material goods, m
As well as any other type of benefit.
The level of detachment of each Spirit reveals his spiritual stature, and it can be considered as the maximum reference Jesus, who taught him when he said:
I do not have a stone to rest my head on. ”
By being aware that the spiritual world is our true homeland, earthly life being merely a necessary temporary passage, especially for those still on the lower rungs of moral evolution, the Higher Spirits do not cling to things and material interests.
Thus, those who intend to evolve morally need to detach themselves, as much as they can, from everything they can not carry to the spiritual world, that is, other than their own intellectual-moral acquisitions. Everything else,
Including the physical body, as is known, lies behind in the passage to the true homeland.
Let us exemplify, to a better understanding, why it pays to detach ourselves from now on.
The Spirit André Luiz describes the spiritual city of Our Home and the rules that apply there, and it may be understood that similar regulations apply to other spiritual cities of the same category.
There, every inhabitant or family can own only one property for their own dwelling, with no possibility of anyone, even the leaders, monopolize the real estate area and, much less, explore the need of the others.
Regarding the salary, it is identical, in theory, for everyone, whether a handyman or the governor of the city.
Basic needs are met regardless of the evolutionary level, with no one left out of the assistance that Charity recommends.
Considering these factors, even more so after the enormous disclosure that the film Nosso Lar gave to these and other aspects of life in the spiritual world, one does not conceive how many of us still live obsessively attached to material gain, temporal power and innumerable Questions that add nothing to intellectual-moral evolution.
It is necessary to look at what we do of the goods that come into our hands, especially if we are giving them a useful destination for our brothers in humanity.
Otherwise, let us awaken to the reality that awaits us, because we can be called, at any moment, to “render an account of the talents we receive”, when we are committed to doing the Good.
He who lives attached to earthly goods and interests demonstrates, even if he affirms otherwise, little certainty about the spiritual life, for otherwise he would not distort himself by renouncing many things of the world for spiritual riches, which are basically translated into conquests Interiors of intelligence and morality.
Time is urgent and there is no way to postpone further reflection on how much we have let go of everything that keeps us linked to the past
Mitivist, who crushed us to our own body in a state of putrefaction, after death.
Consciousness acts automatically, even though Divine Love always gives us new chances of moral reshaping.
Detachment of material goods
We ask our dear confreres to reflect together on the money in the lives of some of the characters of Christianity and in our own lives.
Zacchaeus, who lived for many years attached to riches, accumulated by means that his conscience condemned as soon as he fell into himself, after having talked with Jesus, abandoned everything he had grafted and went to live his own work as a teacher and servant. As the opportunities arose, he was gradually redeeming himself and moving forward in the evolutionary escalation, until he became the missionary of Christ Bezerra de Menezes.
Mary of Magdala, a victim of her own lust and attachment to material goods, left everything behind and followed Jesus, after receiving from him the Blessing, dedicating it to the protection of the lepers of body and soul, rising, in successive reincarnations , the steps of evolution to be reincarnated as the Mother Teresa of Calcutta, the Great Mother of the helpless.
Paul of Tarsus, who was born to a wealthy family and had large salaries in the unhealthy work of a cruel persecutor of Christ’s followers, after encountering Jesus at the gates of Damascus, renounced material power and the source of income of Evil. He went on to work as a tentmaker, progressing ethically-morally for the future to the spiritual stage of the sadu Sundar Singh, preaching the Gospel of Jesus among the Tibetans in their last incarnation in the twentieth century.
And we, how have we secured our material survival?
Can we really look at ourselves in the mirror of our own conscience and feel the tranquility of the money earned honestly and with detachment or it burns our hands and we will have to return it to the community or to the people, through spontaneous donations or it will drain through our Fingers with medical expenses and medications, trying, in some cases, impossible cures?
Detachment from material goods is one of the most difficult virtues for today’s human beings, fascinated by the fact that they still live by consumerism and the desire to enjoy more facilities that reach the point of not even having to do some work …
There is no way to love God and Mammon at the same time, Jesus warned us, teaching us detachment from material things, which should be limited to the necessary, while we live a body of flesh, because in the spiritual life, we will not lack anything Except of the own conscience in harmony with the Divine Laws.
Let’s think about the role that money has played in our lives!
When we have a financially comfortable position in the incarnate position, this means that we ask God to serve in the Cause of Fraternity, providing benefits to our brethren and not the pure and simple result of our merits, as if God rewarded His children with the Material fortune: it is a commitment that we promise to fulfill, for our own evolution.
No one needs so much good to live in, and Jesus was the most significant model in this respect, for he had nothing of His in material terms, but he had all the powers of the Spirit, where the true power resides, where the focus of interest is concentrated Of evolved beings and not in the number of properties, titles, reputation in society, family prestige, and other temporary realities.
The apprentice of the Gospel, within the possible, must keep for your use only what is indispensable for the good accomplishment of his tasks, passing on to other hands, most needed at the moment, all that is dispensable, even as an exercise in detachment. Otherwise, your heart will be attached to the goods that “moths gnaw and thieves dig up and steal.”
Detachment from material interests
The ideal of accomplishing great deeds is natural and commendable.
However, detachment from power is a virtue few have attained. The majority, by the way, does not make any effort to acquire this virtue and only turns off the power against his will …
A praiseworthy example was given by Lucius Quinctius Cincinnati  (519-438 BC)
(www.sobiografias.hpg.ig.com.br/LuciusQu.html): or Lucius Quinctius Cincinnatus]
Roman warrior of partially legendary trajectory.
Simple man came to consul and dictator and, after saving the city, became one of the most important character in the history of Rome. The Roman Republic then went through difficult times because of an imminent attack by the Vols and Équos, two tribes traditionally inimical to the Latins. A Roman detachment commanded by Minucius (458 BC) confronted the echees on Mount Alvido, but was trapped in a gorge. Faced with the desperate situation of the besieged and the city itself,
The consuls decided to appeal to Cincinnati, an experienced general who had proved his military skill in earlier confrontations with the Vols.
The officer who sought Cincinnati to deliver the appointment found him plowing the earth.
With difficulty, he managed to convince him to accept the post of dictator, a title that granted him, on a temporary basis, absolute power. In command of a mighty army, he went to meet the enemy and overcame him, according to legend,
In just one day. Of possession of a big booty, returned to Rome, resigned the position and returned to the simple life of farmer.
A) did not seek power but was invited to exercise it;
B) he was granted absolute power, but it is not stated that he acted improperly against someone or for his own benefit;
C) fulfilled its mission. He renounced his power.
At a time when major disputes occur through command posts; In which abuses of the most serious are practiced by many who exercise power; In which everything is done to continue in a situation of evidence-it seems surrealistic the idealism of a Cincinnatus.
But the antidote to this rampant rage for power lies in the realization that only the people hold power.
Otherwise, each believing that the exercise of power means the reward of the well-endowed, superior beings who deserve to direct the destinies of the less-affluent, we will be using it, even if minimally, with deviation or excess of power.
Thinking incorrectly and in disagreement with the current lights of valorization of the people, when the time comes to leave power, they will be deprived, as if they lose a personal patrimony …
The earthly benefits serve only while the Spirit is clothed with a body of flesh, to be able to sustain itself with the
Dignity of useful and honest work. However, there is a limit to obey, from which one enters the range of the superfluous, the unnecessary, the dangerous to the very serenity of the Spirit.
If one is born with the task of exercising power, he must exercise it for the common good, as Peter II, the great and humble servant of the Brazilian people; If the task is in the financial arena, such as Henri Ford or Bill Gates, that jobs be created, but not a life dedicated to usury; If strength is the intellect, like Einstein and Albert Sabin, to be employed in favor of Ethics and not of immorality, violence, and unbridled competition.
Each person is accountable to God for the resources he received from Him, as in the parable of the talents.
We transcribe here a reflection of the book “Light in Drops”, psychographed by the brother, then incarnated, Gilberto Pontes de Andrade, entitled “What the Friends Are For:”
“When a man wishes to be loved by others, he adopts gentleness and sweetness as forms of conduct. However, as soon as he appropriates the trust of his peers, he begins to adopt an inverse attitude, ignoring the most fraternal rules of Brotherhood. This has been a reality in the human setting.
And do not believe that slips, related to the rules of gentleness, should be attributed to the current modus vivendi of human collectivities. For although it is reasonable to assert that there is no longer time for the little rules of etiquette, we must know that a word of friendship, a delicate expression, a gesture of gentleness, a smile, or a cordial nod always find shelter, even in those who seem indifferent To good manners.
The kind gesture is the step to sediment a nascent friendship and, also, to erase an unfounded suspicion, unfortunate information a negative inspiration.
Do not wait, however, for others to take the initiative to be kind to you: the initiative should be yours.
Let your habits of worship of gentleness be a way of balance, which you must impose upon yourselves as a discipline of self-willfulness of will and behavior.
And, in so doing, you will be prepared to live in the Spiritual Colonies-where you will later transfer your residence, in whose environment respect and cordiality, gentleness and affection prevailed.
As no one has an obligation to love you, you must first love others. Respect in the harsh, the ungrateful, and the cold of your path unhappy creatures, to whom you owe a greater measure of kindness, for this also is Charity. And you must do so, especially, in your own home and in relation to your relatives.
For the victory over yourselves, it is imperative that you submit to an efficient program of action in this sense, which can not be neglected.
self-analysis are necessary, sincere work, constant prayer and healthy coexistence with the most unhappy.
Remember that physical life is brief, even if it seems to be long.
The blessed opportunity that comes to you is not accidental: take advantage of it, generating sympathy and doing good, because your goal now is spiritual improvement.
Dignify your Faith, translating it into services to your fellow beings – as the source entrusted to the course itself, guarding Goodness for fate.
Great and small unfavorable occurrences will come upon you, inducing you to declare in the inner world the revolution of unconquered revolt, as if you should break, in crisis of wrath, the ladder that Life has destined you to climb to the Most High.
However, when you still have to buy your balance at the price of tears, you must bear the tribute of the conquest that you will carry out toward your elevation.
In the clear path that has been reserved for you, you will find the lamentation, the insults and the injustices of those who believed in the elevation without work – and, for this very reason, they became vociferous by their own rebellion, in the ditch of disenchantment. And you will also find those who have turned their freedom into a passport for the Demolition, distressed in the disbelief they have generated for themselves.
Go on without fading, helping and building, and you will be, through your Faith, the breath of those who weep, the Hope of sad beings, the ray of the sun for those who go through the long night of poverty, the support of the bitter, selflessness that does not fear To extend the providential arm to the fallen and the balm of those who fell and were wounded in the way.
Let your Faith be the armor and the crucible. With it you will defend yourself from the rush of the Shadow and purify yourselves through loyalty to the Eternal Good, marked, almost always, by the fire of suffering
Let your Faith, finally, guide you to the entrance to the Supreme Redemption, but for such a victory, your willingness to ceaselessly bless and serve without fainting is demanded.
May the blessings of Jesus enlighten your ways and solidify your Spirit in the works of each day. “
However, even our friends should be detached, so that we do not hamper their freedom of choice, their intellectual and moral growth, in other words, their evolution and their happiness, wanting to subject them, even if softly, to our wishes and criteria To interpret and live the Truth.
Often, under the cloak and appearance of Love, we are actually curtailing the flights of our dearest and most sincere affections. We must learn detachment from them, freeing them and releasing us also, for only the Love of the Creator Father and Sustainer of Life holds the Absolute Perfection and always leads to the Good, without pauses.
To love and to be loved is the ideal of all spirits, but we must love with detachment, love liberating, love with respect to the individuality of others.
Detachment from the material body

The materialistic view mainly of many incarnated spirits covets the body of others, as an objective of egoistic satisfaction, often under the pretext of loving, but in fact, being the secret intention to use maliciously the organic implements, put by God Under the command of the other, for educational purposes. Especially in the affective relationship in the level of intimate coexistence, Love is often distorted, trying to explore the affection of others through abuse about the body of the being that is said to love.
The lack of true respect for the dignity of the other, who is also the child of God, is that it leads many couples to breakup, because they have both done so against the honesty of the other, that, at the end of some time, the initial Love and admiration Contaminate with the sorrows and resentment provoked by the moral attacks that one committed against the other.
Emmanuel states: ”
There are spirits who love each other deeply and have never touched themselves. “The bodily needs must be placed under ethical control, so that they do not become a source of regret and deception, if not crimes.
Organic implements represent sacred material that God grants to His children to evolve and never to commit to Evil. The boundary between the just and the unjust, the convenient and the unreasonable must be established by each one, in view of Paul’s warning Of Tarsus: “All things are permitted unto me, but all things are not expedient unto me.”
The unions between people who say to love should be much more of souls than of bodies, based on the proposal of work in the Well, so that they are gratifying and enduring, an inexhaustible source of happiness, when shielded in detachment from each other, in the Their highest sense, and their attachment to God. It is a learning of many incarnations, which is only perfected when the Spirit is already purified by the dedication to the Good, beginning to merit the inner light, which begins to illuminate its exterior as has already cleared all the thoughts of its psyche.

It is important to start investing in this spiritual achievement, to be happy from now on, and not to wait some day in the future to begin to respect the dignity of those who are with us to evolve together, for the time that Divine Justice authorize, therefore, of Love We must learn Universal Love, as our Father wants it.


Detachment from one’s intelligence
Intelligence is an achievement of each Spirit, undeniably; however, if there is individual merit as a result of the persistent effort to perfect oneself, we have to consider two factors in this situation: the loving and dedicated programming of Spiritual Advisors, Context for further development, as well as the contribution of all other beings in the intellectual growth of each.
Ralph Waldo Emerson has rightly stated, in other words, that we are the happy outcome of all mankind, for no one should claim the merit of his intellectuality alone.
The Superior Spirits have already learned to thank God and all their brothers in humanity, living in constant harmony with them, practicing kindness and sweetness, alongside charity and fraternity, acting with equality and respecting the freedom of all. To let go of one’s own intellectual achievements is to learn humility, for there are many who are lost in the haunches of pride for the intellectual titles they have acquired,
Thereby severing the link of intuition, which benefits only those who seek nothing more than to serve God and humanity.
Those who are proud of their intellectual heritage begin to live the horizontality of the knowledge of the world, but they do not learn the Divine Science, which is only revealed to the ‘poor in spirit’, that is, to the truly humble ones.
The earthly cultural acquisitions are fragmentary, since the culture of the incarnates is materialistic in its generality, and even the most advanced information in terms of spirituality passed on to the incarnated are partial, limited, for the Truth in its deepest meaning lives In the spiritual homeland, accessible to the spirits undressed of the physical body and enjoying the fullness of their evolutionary conquests of many incarnations, which they know and value.
Detachment from intellectual vanity is imperative to cling to the divine energy of God, whose Light only penetrates deeply and integrally in one who does not bear within himself the vibrational cuirass of attachment to worldly interests.
Some have become so envious of their own cultural accumulation that they have been punished by the loss of memory, and some cases are verifiable among the incarnated, victims of lack of humility. ”
He that humbleth himself shall be exalted, and he that exalteth himself shall be humbled, “said Jesus.
Detachment from apparent superiority, because of culture, should be part of the daily effort of each aspirant to the gospel of Jesus


It is important to rejoice in the salutary achievements of our brethren in humanity, but we must always place ourselves, in these cases, in the position of mere adjutants, partners acting merely as helper, but letting them take responsibility for their own progress, without They will be eternally dependent and fragile.
Evolution is individual, even though we love our dearest affections to the heart. It is up to them to follow the steps of their own evolution, but not in front of them, like the guide of the blind corridor, who can not drag him forward, but only Warn you of any danger of the course.
The goals are individual as well as the laurels. “Each one is alone with himself”, that is, with his own conscience, therefore, with God. The evolutionary road is a wide and wide avenue, where we all move forward, towards God, however, what goes on in the heart and mind of every walker only knows and responds to his own preferences and choices.To partake of the lives of our affections or of those whom we have not yet been able to conquer is a law, but as companions of some time, according to Divine Planning, which ultimately programmed Love among all beings and not only among a few isolated brothers of others.
If our intention is to help others’ evolution, we should never, on the other hand, envy their just or unjust conquests, for, in fact, only God knows why each should hold certain benefits in his own hands.
Our present means only a tiny space of time for our journey to the future as much as happens to other Spirits. What the Divine Justice has entrusted to us is different from what it gave to the others, each one having to look only at his own record of duties to fulfill and not judge the work of others, nor try to interfere with it. We can compare the situation of the workers of the Vineyard, referred to in the parable of the last hour workers, because we must not question the salary that each one receives, since only the Father knows how much each one should win.
May our “eyes be good,” not coveting anyone’s salary, but content with ours, as Jesus taught, Himself having “no stone to lay his head.”
Detachment from the past
After reincarnation, each spirit is subjected to a hypnotic process performed by specialists in the psychic sciences, with the purpose of adapting the patrimony of memory to the needs of the restart, which should therefore run with greater chances of success. Indeed, without this temporary oblivion, it would be unfeasible for the rehabilitation of the majority of the incarnates, who would have in their present memory their mistakes against others and against themselves, as well as the real or supposed injustices they would have suffered.
André Luiz states that almost nobody would bear a life too long in the present earthly reality, in this planet of trials and atonements, where moral defects preponderated, because bitter memories would outweigh the caresses. Yvonne do Amaral Pereira affirmed that she had the sad privilege of remembering several previous incarnations. However, his situation was very special, because the memories were necessary for the success of his doctrinal work, including the preparation of his books.
There are people who would like to have access to their own remote past, which, however, may harm their performance in the present incarnation, for, looking back, they risk being disturbed. The present is what matters and the Orientalists are right when they advise the valorization of the “here and now”. There are those who preserve with excessive attachment roles, objects, relics and other memories not always convenient for themselves, as well as for eventual disincarnates that have to do with those belongings. Imagine the anguish of the historical characters with the idolatry of fanatical admirers; Of those who were canonized as saints without merit; Of those who have created in their surroundings of their person an aura of superiority or negativity, that can influence indefinitely the unbalanced personalities … There are cases of disincarnated relatives who can not balance by the uncontrolled mental emission of the longing incarnates, victims of discontent or revolt …
The past simply passed and should not be perennial, according to the lesson of the Mother of Jesus to Francisco Cândido Xavier when sending him by Bezerra de Menezes a phrase apparently simple, but of immense depth and
Worthy of permanent reflection: “This also passes.” Unbalanced thinking can reach its target; Sick nostalgia can deconstruct the one who needs peace; Objects are impregnated with the magnetism of who possessed them and want to forget the past to reform morally.
Always start again on a healthier and higher basis: this is the path, dissociating itself from what undermines peace and moral reform. Attachment to the past is harmful, so much so that reincarnations mean resumption.
Only the Higher Spirits can endure the memories of a very long period of their existence. Those incarnated who tend to be nostalgic should revise their way of thinking so as not to stagnate while everything calls for renewal and intellectual and moral growth.
About simplicity:
We know that Jesus is the model of all the virtues accessible to the Spirits connected to our planet.
Simplicity, which is the virtue opposed to the moral defect of vanity, was exemplified by the Divine Master in a degree never before or even equaled, for example, when, despite acknowledging himself to be a teacher, he rejected the qualifier of Good, stating that Only Father deserved this adjective.
After all, to teach means to convey the lessons learned normally in the contact with other masters more qualified and Jesus was recognized mere Spokesman of the Laws of the Father, whom He always revered.
Jesus never intended to show himself superior to what he really is, despite the almost infinite intellectual-moral distance between Him and us.
Based on His words and, above all, His examples, we can gradually learn simplicity.
The circumstances of His birth, amid the humble animals and assisted only by one’s own earthly father, in a stratagem, is one of the most expressive demonstrations of the simplicity that He wanted to make characterize His life.
The presence of the Magi, who came to honor Him, meant only an announcement of His birth as a reference for men and women to identify Him later as the promised Messiah. No unnecessary evidence to the purpose of His Mission.
The debates as a teenager with the temple sages were not aimed at self-propagation or deprecating the limitations of those who thought they were knowledgeable of the things of God, but they must have awakened at least some of them to a more humanized view of the Law, which was interpreted as formulas Of rituals and outward gestures, but without the ingredient of Love.
At the age of 30, as is well known, he began to make explicit his doctrine, in a simple and accessible way to any of the people, even and especially to the illiterate.
He lived mainly with those marginalized by the elite, who, like today, are usually far from the sufferings of the people.
Simplicity these days does not have to reach the level of extreme poverty experienced by Jesus, but we must see if we are thinking, feeling and acting within reasonable limits to satisfy our really essential needs, in the light of our own conscience.
How many people are lost in consumerism, in the infantile desire for useless evidence, in unreasonable frequency in environments where futilities prevail, and in the loss of time with purely material interests, without any benefit to our spiritual growth!
Our true homeland is spiritual, and we are incarnated “just for a little while,” paraphrasing Emmanuel, without knowing the time of departure.
In that country they rely, above all, on moral acquisitions: any other item, besides nothing or almost nothing, may, instead, be translated into heavy taxes to be paid in dramatic conditions.
For this reason, simplicity should be part of our inner life and, if possible, of the exterior, since, at the same time that we have perfected ourselves, we will set the example for the majority of people, who unfortunately live and suffer horrendously due to Vanities and trifles, from attachment to trinkets and false values, to appearances and to “the treasures that rust erodes.”
Being simple is an appanage of the Superior Spirits, who feel happy with simplicity, while imperfect spirits cling to material paraphernalia, titles, honors, and other accessories that are sometimes ridiculous.
In the world of regeneration people will not suffer because of material things, for they will have their interior full, full of what will actually accomplish them: their moral-intellectual development.
Let’s anticipate ourselves to be happy from now on!

God, Father of Infinite Love,
We want to ask, at this moment, to free us from fear, this feeling that hinders the mood and bloodshed the spiritual veins, neutralizing all constructive idealizations from the perspective of failure and unhappiness.
On the other hand, Father, teach us to experience the present moment, which casts our sights on the moment we are living, whether it is apparently difficult or overtly favorable.
We do not yet have the conditions of a total emotional detachment from the past and the future, but we intend to be able to look away in one direction and the other without suffering the dizziness of the stunning emotions.
We are learning to live the here and now in the colors of present life, be it as embodied or disincarnated, considering the Universe as our Family, because kinship is universal and can not be restricted to the consanguinity of the moment.
Each being, be it mineral, vegetable, animal, human or angelic, is our true brother and so we must consider for all purposes, exercising with him the virtues of respect, tolerance, truthfulness, unconditional Love.
Let there be no fear of anything or anyone, but rather the certainty that everything that happens and that often surprises us is by His Will, aiming at the evolution of the Universe.
May we see present from here and now, the most appropriate place for our learning, and now is the time to learn the lessons our open eyes can not grasp.
Father, we want to begin to understand the Great Universal Family and to integrate into it, more and more.
So be it.
Photo: Theodora

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